I’m going to make this post brief as I’m sure this recipe isn’t anything new! But it’s a tried & true one for kids and adults to enjoy! If you love chocolate, caramel and crunch – look no further!
You only need 4 ingredients but you’ll need lots of patience unwrapping all of the Rolos! It seems to take longer than you would think. I highly recommend getting all of the Rolos unwrapped before you get started as this is the longest part of the process. After that, it’s a breeze. Although Carter is too young to make this with me, I do think this is a great treat to make with those littles! Get them in the kitchen to help create & decorate! I can’t wait until Carter is a little older with more fine motor skills to help me cook & bake!
I chose not to do a recipe card but created a little printable for you to enjoy as well. It has a small checklist of ingredients for you (or your kids) and the directions to follow! I hope you enjoy these caramel gooey treats!