Hey over packers, is your carry on and purse stuffed to the brim when traveling? Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of lugging around “stuff” I don’t end up using on vacation! I tend to think of “what-if” senaros but the one thing I asked myself when packing this time is: if my luggage gets lost, what do I absolutely need? If I have to buy something because my luggage is lost – what is the most cost effective items I should have in my bag?
I’ve rounded up my top 8 carry on essential tips to alleviate that unnecessary stress and lighten your bag! Here they are:
- Travel Documents
- kind of a no brainer but this includes drivers liscense, passport, and boarding pass (if it’s not electronic).
- 1-2 sets of clothing & swimsuit
- I usually pack 1 dress + shorts & shirt + shoes + 1 pair of undergarments + 1 swimsuit. If my luggage is lost I don’t want to worry about finding clothes, underwear or a swimsuit that fits. So I pack these just in case. No one want’s to start their trip out scrambling for clothing only to find the only option is a $25 souvenir shirt at the gift shop!
- I usually pack 1 dress + shorts & shirt + shoes + 1 pair of undergarments + 1 swimsuit. If my luggage is lost I don’t want to worry about finding clothes, underwear or a swimsuit that fits. So I pack these just in case. No one want’s to start their trip out scrambling for clothing only to find the only option is a $25 souvenir shirt at the gift shop!
- Prescriptions & OTC meds
- I get migraines so it’s imperative I have my prescription with me! My husband has terrible allergies so his antihistamine is good to have on hand. I also keep a small amount of Advil & Tylenol on hand for headaches (that aren’t migraines). Other than that, the rest go in a checked bag.
- Included in this is a small first aid kit. Bandaids, gauze and ointment should be in your purse. You never know if your shoes are going to give you a blister….{gah, additional “what-if” scenario creeping in….}
- If Carter is coming – his Epi Pen must be easily accessible at all times.
- Chargers & Headphones
- Getting a little carrying case to store all of your chargers/headphone that you need on the plane will
help keep you sane and your bag organized. This cutie was under $12 {found here on Amazon}
- It’s so compact & small. No more digging around in my purse at 32,000ft – just grab this baby and throw it in the seat in front of you.
- 2 pairs of headphones. My bluetooth ear buds and the standard headphones that come with your phone.
- This is the perfect little case for the standard cord headphones so they don’t become a tangled mess {under $5, click here}!
- Don’t forget planes do NOT have the newest port. Make sure you grab a pair that is compatible.
- Since my phone and earbuds use the same charger I just bring 1 cord & wall plug in. But, I bring an extended charger. I never know what the hotel setup will be like and I like my phone to be able to reach the bed – so I opt for a longer one.
- Laptop charger
- Kindle charger & Go Pro charger will go in the checked luggage these items keep their charge.
- If you’re bringing a facial device, skip bringing the charger all together as you can just make sure it has a full charge before you leave. I would also skip bringing a toothbrush charger (or just bring a regular brush for space/weight).
- Getting a little carrying case to store all of your chargers/headphone that you need on the plane will
- Electronics
- I think it’s safe to say we won’t forget our electronics we like to use. For me, this is:
- Phone, Kindle, iPad, Laptop, GoPro Camera
- Here is what I would like to recommend:
- Make sure every device(s) are fully charged before you leave the house
- Download the book(s) or movie(s) you want onto your Kindle/iPad the night before. I don’t know about you but I’ve definitely downloaded a new movie but didn’t actually load it to my iPad. Needless to say – I was not a happy flyer when I came to this realization too late….hello go-go in flight!
- Protect your electronics with appropriate cases and do NOT put electronics in your checked bag.
- I think it’s safe to say we won’t forget our electronics we like to use. For me, this is:
- Valuables & Cash
- I never understood having cash on hand until I needed cash. Oh, the things you learn as you go through life. Ever had your card shut off traveling & no cash? That’s fun….NOT! $100-$200 as a little slush fund is more than enough if you are traveling to a place that easily accepts credit cards.
- Besides electronics if you’re traveling with any jewelry I would recommend putting it in your carry on or purse instead of your checked bag! I’m on a mission to NOT over pack {for once} and I feel like I’ve finally found a way to keep myself in check.
- Check out this cute jewelry organizer I found on Amazon {click here for the exact one}! It holds bracelets, necklaces, & earrings and folds up into an adorable compact case! For under $10 to help me stay organized & “minimally” packed – I recommend having a special case so you don’t go hog wild.
- Personal toilitries
- If you’re looking to keep things to a minimum and also organize I love this case on Amazon {click here}. Spoiler alert: it’s on sale for $18 (normally $30). So if you’re in the market for a carrying case for an upcoming spring beak – check out this one!
- You can adjust the sizes of the compartments to fit your personal needs. It comes in some super cute colors {I opted for marble as I thought it gave it a “high end” feel}.
- If you can buy minis or reusable empty packs for some of your facial/hair products it will save you some weight in your checked luggage & help keep you {once again} from over packing.
- Besides toothpaste, here are my necessities listed IN ORDER of importance:
- Contact solution, case and 1 set of extras
- Facial sunscreen
- Lip Balm
- Tinted moisturizer or CC cream {my personal favorite is Supergoop CC cream for those who are looking for a cleaner beauty option}
- Dry Shampoo
- Hairspray
- Bioessence night cream
- Drunk Elephant daily duo
- Tula Eyebalm {it’s cooling, brightening and a cleaner option for under your eyes}
- Things you may not think about but are handy to have on hand
- Purell wipes or hand sanitizer
- I can’t believe I’m admitting this but I don’t wash my hands on planes – I read many years ago about e-coli being in plane water AND a recent study came out claiming airplane water is dirtier than we think. Now that’s a risk I’m not going to take, use hand sanitizer. PS – DON’T FORGET TO BRING IT WITH YOU TO THE BATHROOM.
- Sanitizing wipes – I’m normally not one to suggest such harsh chemicals but I like to wipe down the seat/tray when I get on the plane. With it being cold & flu season I take extra precautions.
- Kleenex
- Eye drops for dry eyes
- Feminine products – nuff said
- Earplugs
- I have to sleep with ear plugs….every night but on a plane it helps drown out noises if I’m trying to sleep. Conversations, coughs and crying all muffled out for a little shut eye at 32,000 ft.
- Purell wipes or hand sanitizer
- Reusable water bottle & snacks
- This is rather self explanatory but I wanted to share why I do this & some of my favorites.
- I choose to bring my own waterbottle since I don’t want to pay $8 for water at the airport. I can easily fill up at the drinking fountain PLUS I can use it throughout my vacation.
- I bring my own snacks so have food on me at all times. I literally never know when hunger is going to strike. If you missed my Instagram post on travel snacks click here.I choose to bring my own waterbottle since I don’t want to pay $8 for water at the airport. I can easily fill up at the drinking fountain PLUS I can use it throughout my vacation.
Click here for the Carry On essential check list