There’s something about the back-to-school timeframe that screams structure and order {even if you don’t go back to school or have kiddos in school}. We all tend to soak up summer, especially when we know what is looming only a few short months away *gasp* WINTER. We squeeze in as much as we possibly can before Fall hits! All of a sudden *blink* it’s September and we’re exhausted. It’s time to cool our jets and get back to the basics.
Maybe you had a long day at work or chasing your toddler around the house yet you need to get dinner on the table. You sit and stare at you fridge or pantry wondering what in the world you can make that’s quick, delicious and easy. Did I mention I’ve been there & no one want’s to spend an hour making food on a weekday. In all transparency, I’ve also been that girl that want’s to whip up the most gourmet meal for my family. I spent over an hour making french onion soup, down to the crustinis being perfectly broiled with cheese. Needless to say my husband didn’t appreciate this effort even though the food was delish!
So, here we go! It’s time to make meal time a little less complicated and a little more enjoyable.
Bulk Your Protein!
I know this isn’t THAT novel of an idea but let me show you five SIX ways you can use ONE bulked protein for the week. When it’s NOT grilling season {which only lasts 3 months in the lovely state of MinneSNOWta} I love to make shredded chicken in the instapot. You can also make this in the crock-pot or bake your chicken. I’ll share the method to the madness but first – I know you’re dying to see those meal ideas.
- Shredded Chicken & Lazy Girl Salad {or a bagged salad because sometimes that’s just all we have time for}
- Chicken Salad {traditional & buffalo}
- Chicken Fajita Bowl
- Greek Chicken Quinoa Salad
- Chicken Stir-Fry
- Chicken Burrito/Burrito Bowl
These could be used for dinner or for lunches! Maybe you spend $10+ a day on lunch and you’re trying to cut back on spending. Friend, let me tell you – these recipes won’t break the bank either!
Over the next few weeks I will be sharing these recipes on Basil & Balance! I hope you tune in for these recipes! But first, let’s bulk prep that chicken!
I personally make my chicken in the instapot, & I make a enough to feed a small village. Because guess what – YOU CAN FREEZE WHAT YOU DON’T NEED!!!! I use the instapot because it’s wicked fast. 6lbs of chicken done in 12 mins. Sign me up. 🙂
Also, one more hack – use your hand mixer to shred the chicken. It takes about a minute and you’ll save your forearm from using those two tiny forks and shredding for 5+mis! {Pro Tip: Keep that mixer on low, you don’t need chicken flying around your kitchen}.
Lastly, make sure to store your protein in an air tight container with a little added chicken stock so it locks in moisture and doesn’t dry out on you. Let’s face it, trying to choke down dry chicken is a challenge we don’t want to partake in!
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